Welcome to exposedHR

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Have you ever been suspended from your job for being “unprofessional” at a company party? I am guessing probably not. Well, I have. Even worse, this happened to me while holding the job of HR Business Partner. HR is supposed to keep the party going, not be the life of the party. Oops, my bad.

Honestly, I thought I was pretty well behaved at the company party, which was at a large reception hall and included many drinks, DJ, the whole shebang. What was I supposed to do, sit there like a bump on a log like my boss’s boring wife? Nope, not me. I was jumping from table to table socializing, dancing and having myself a good ol’ time. And, nobody cared, except my micro-manager boss.

The day after the shocking suspension meeting I put in my notice of resignation. Yep, I quit my job despite the fact that I am a single momma of 3 kids with a large mortgage payment. At the time, losing my house sounded better than working another day for my horrible boss. The saying “people leave their boss, not their company” has a newfound truth to it for me.

I was professional in my notice of resignation email, when I really wanted to make the subject like F*** YOU, FATTY and make bullet points of how he is such an ineffective leader and just lost a great employee due to his incompetence. His loss, not mine. We will leave it at that.

Anyhow, my recent stint of working for an egotistical micro-manager has somehow inspired me to share my stories, good and bad, and maybe employees, leaders and even HR professionals can use my stories/insights to navigate common situations that happen in the workplace. At the very least, my readers can get a good laugh in.

This will not be a structured, step by step guide for you. This will be a REAL, truth sharing, adult eyes only, behind the scenes look into the life of HR. Hopefully my personal experiences and knowledge can motivate you to make effective decisions in the workplace that will help you, not hurt you. Because let’s be real, the only one really looking out for you in a company is, you guessed it, YOU.

Quick background about me in case you care about my credentials:

I have been an HR professional for 10 years now. I’ve held roles as HR Assistant, HR Generalist, HR Manager and HR Business Partner. I have spent those 10 years working HR in Manufacturing. Most people say that if you can handle HR in Manufacturing, you can handle HR anywhere. I believe it. Manufacturing has some of the BEST people, and some of the WORST. More stories to come on that. I also have a Bachelor’s & Masters degree as well as a SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) certification. I have been very well liked in my career, as well as consistently exceeding expectations according to my performance reviews. Do I sound fancy yet? Good, because I am not.


The Unprofessional HR Lady

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